Hair Care Tips to Keep Your Hair Healthy This Winter –
Winter weather can be especially brutal on hair because of the cold factor. The constant shift between warm temperatures (being inside), and cold weather (going outside), can cause the cuticle layer of the hair to lift and moisture to leave the hair, making it dry and frizzy. This can lead to dullness, breakage and split ends. Here are some tips to help keep your hair healthy during the winter:
Deep Condition:
As your hair starts to become frizzy and brittle during the winter months it’s a good chance to give your hair some TLC. Using a deep conditioning treatment can help replenish and lock in moisture lost from dry hair. It will also create stronger and shiner hair.
Trim Regularly:
Wind can create split ends, along with dry and brittle hair, so getting a trim every 6-8 weeks during the winter months will help keep your hair healthy and strong, but also reduce the chances of getting split ends.
Wash Less:
Since cold air already dries out hair, there isn’t a need to wash it every day. Doing so may strip your hair of its natural oils and dry it out even more. Cut back to washing your hair 2-3 times a week, and your hair should be able to retain the extra moisture!
Cold Showers:
Hot water tends to strip moisture from your hair, and your hair needs all the moisture it can get during the winter. Instead, try to take a warm or lukewarm shower for 10 minutes or less to prevent hair from becoming dry.
Use dry shampoo for volume if your hair has gone limp:
Use a good spray or thickening tonic to help build up the style and add volume. Dry shampoos are great for this: they keep the hair fuller and more robust, and expand the hair shaft.