Success Stories
What People Are Saying
Maria Benson
"Hello! My name is Maria Benson and I am so happy that I was introduced to DermMatch. It has literally given me a second chance at life.
I am now not afraid to go out and really "live". I used to be afraid to go swimming, get my pictures taken, go under fluorescent lighting or even out in the sun. Not now, I feel like I can do all of the above and not have to worry about it at all.
I was really surprised that DermMatch really improved the thick looking appearance of my hair. I was a bit skeptical due to trying numerous products like thickening shampoos, conditioners, and various treatments. They were very time consuming, inconvenient and I still saw little or no results. This was easy and immediate. I feel like my confidence has been greatly boosted by this amazing product. I am even experimenting with new hair styles which is very fun for me since I haven't done that in years!! Thank you DermMatch!!"
Edson Caltabiano
"After being frustrated with the first sprays and powders, I've never really believed in concealers but I thought I should give DermMatch a try and I got surprised right after the first usage.
Unbelievable results that makes some people ask if I am wearing a wig! Thanks to the density that DermMatch provides, I look years younger! I use it daily with no side effects or inconveniences whatsoever."
Alex Kurd
"Thanks for the product, hoping other people with similar situation will enjoy using it as much as I am enjoying it, because it easy to use and easy to remove and no color dripping or washing out during my active workout in the gym.
Since I was a child I have an empty spot with thin hair and it was embarrassing me always. I used black dry erase marker pen and charcoal to cover that spot but unfortunately they were not effective, until I found the DermMatch product online to thicken my hair. I used it lately and I am very satisfied. Also my friends and families who knew and saw the spot called me: The guy with an island on his head or the half bald man, and really it hurts the personal feelings and reduces the self esteem.
I wished if this product was available 30 years ago, I could be the happiest person but it is not too late though I am passing the fun age and chasing the girls, but this product has returned most the fun I missed and now when I use the DermMatch, I feel good and the people do not look to the empty spot on my head because it is becoming invisible and I am just another normal person with all his hair."
Diane Capers
"I find it difficult to express how much DermMatch has improved my life.
Before finding DermMatch, I tried several things, including the spray-on "head paint," and the powdered stuff, which is actually wool. (I found out when my head itched terribly.) None of these were satisfactory. Then I wore wigs and falls, which were hot, and so heavy that they gave me headaches.
I had a low grade temp when I was seven that lasted for 2 1/2 months. My mom was sick so I had to do my own hair, and because it was long, thick, and curly, I learned that it was easiest to maintain in a pony tail, 24/7. When I got well, my mom took me for my quarterly trimming; the hairdresser took out the rubber band and started screaming. "What has happened to this child's hair?" she shouted, and promptly cut my hair off in a "Buster Brown." I cried all the way home.
So I've struggled with thin hair all my life, but it has gotten worse and worse as I've gotten older (I'm now 60). I would be in a wig every day, miserable with the heat and feeling like a fake, if it weren't for Dermatch. What would my new husband think when I took off my hair each night? (Along with my glass eye, wooden leg, and padded bra....) Most people think my hair is very thick, but it's all due to DermMatch. Thanks so much for the ability to go out every day and feel "normal", attractive, and free to forget about my appearance and to focus my thinking on the other people I contact and their lives. In other words, to forget about me!"
Steve Fitzmaurice
"I play Bass Guitar in a Band in Hollywood California. I couldn't play with the confidence I do everynight if it weren't for DermMatch.
My Hair Dresser is great at working it into my style~
Thanks DermMatch!"
Brooke Adamson
"Hair is quite simply, everything for a woman.
I am a 36 year old who, unfortunately, inherited my late grandmother's genes for early pattern baldness. I have been steadily losing my hair for 4 years and was forced to play "coverup" everyday, taking an hour to re-arrange my hair where the bald patches would not show as badly.
I remained in constant fear of a brisk wind and would forego walking outside in case my hair would fly away and be shamed to the world. In business meetings, I knew everyone was looking at my bared scalp rather than listening to the topic at hand.
I discovered DermMatch while surfing the web for something, anything that might lessen my embarrassment on a daily basis. Within the first week of wearing DermMatch, my husband was amazed at the change in my demeanor. My self-confidence began to re-emerge, and the personality that was too busy worrying about my hair started to show itself again.
Meetings again became a snap for me because I knew they were looking at me, and not my hair. One small disc provided hope for a young woman who thought that wigs were the inevitable future. My gratitude is immeasurable, and I will be a customer for a very long time."
Kim Angel's Son
"No other product I have tried has covered the problem areas this well.
I am 12 years old and was diagnosed with alopecia areata four years ago. Since I was diagnosed, I have tried sprays and even eye shadow to try to cover the bald patches on my head. However, neither one worked very well.
In the past, I would turn down invitations to swimming and slumber parties for fear of someone noticing the spots on my head. DermMatch has really been a blessing to me. Since I found it, I can now go to the parties without fear of anyone knowing that I have alopecia areata.
No other product I have tried has covered the problem areas this well. This fall, I started playing on the middle school football team. After all the sweating, when I take off my helmet, the DermMatch is still on and working! DermMatch is easy to apply and very easy to remove. I hope my story encourages others, especially young children like myself, to try DermMatch."
Riaz Aumeerally
"Hats off to DermMatch from which I got my confidence. That's how I'm looking 10 years younger since I'm 42 years old now .
It's often difficult to deal with losing hair, especially if you're bald at an early age. The outcome of such a thing will spark interest in people if there is any kind of bald head treatment they can use.
Since I lost my hair a few years ago, I always wore a hat when going outside. I tried everything to make it grow back - lots of solution, hair cream, pills and so on but nothing worked.
After searching a lot on the internet, I found DermMatch and just wanted to give it a try but it's supposed to be used on long hair and there's nothing mentioned about using it on a shaved head or a totally bald head like mine. Still I just wanted to try it. Finally, that worked for me but the first time was a bit hard to apply. Then I got used to it .
It's been 5 years that I worked in a warehouse - the first 3 years I was wearing a hat all the time and no one knew I was bald. Then in October 2010, I started applying DermMatch and went to work without my hat. The first time my team saw my head, they just thought I had a shaved head . As you must know, working in a warehouse means working with a team closely all day. Until now, no one knows I'm bald. That's amazing .
Now it's nearly 2 years that I've been applying DermMatch every day before going outside and work. Just think, if all my friends at work didn't notice, what about people outside on the street?
Now the best thing about it is that it's waterproof. I go swimming every week and apply it, of course, and guest what? It stays on my head and looks more natural when my head is wet. The trick is not to rub or scratch your head. I go to the steam room as well and after that I take a shower, I don't put shampoo on the head and after showering, I just tap it with a towel - and yes my hairline is still there. Even at work when I sweat a lot, it looks realistic.
So yeah, now I can go everywhere without a hat and I'm living a very happy life just because of DermMatch.
Most people like me, just wanted to get their hair to regrow but never think that all they need is a hairline, not a full head of long hair which is impossible unless you implant and that's not guaranteed. As well, some people use tattoos but this will fade with time and they will have only one hair style. With DermMatch you can change your style everyday .
So yeah, hats off to DermMatch from which I got my confidence. That's how I'm looking 10 years younger since I'm 42 years old now."