Hair Problem Solvers
Here are some of the best dos and don’ts to help you style out your hair when disaster strikes-
Problem 1 – Thin or thinning hair
Don’t- Grow your hair too long, this will leave it looking limp and lifeless. This can draw attention to your thin or thinning hair.
Do – Keep your hair textured and short, creating more depth and hide scalp show through. To help give the appearance of thicker, fuller hair use matt paste, rather than gels.
Problem 2 – Bald patching
Do – Shorter is better. This will help lessen the contrast from the baldness; therefore attention will be drawn away from the baldness. Certain products can help camouflage the bald patching and scalp show through, such as DermMatch Scalp Concealer.
Don’t – Ensure your hair doesn’t get too long between waiting for a haircut. This can enhance the appearance of your bald patch. Keeping your hair the same level will help even out the appearance of baldness. Shorter is better.
Problem 3- Receding hair
Do – Make sure your cuts are regular. Sweeping your hair to the side when it’s too long can lead attention to your receding hairline. Avoid the floppy and shiny look, keep your hair structured.
Don’t – Super-short styles, this can really highlight the receding hairline.