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From style tips and hair care techniques, to understanding hair loss and advice on what to do, to testimonials and customer feedback, we cover it all in the Dermatach blog!

Soon we can return to the comfort of our hair salons, after some long months stuck in Lockdown. We don’t know yet how different our salon experience and...

| #dermmatch

The short story is that bald men very well may be more at risk than men with a full head of hair! Research from Brown University, an Ivy...

| #dermmatch

The hairs that are transplanted as part of your surgery are carefully selected from the back of the head. The hairs at the back and sides of the...

| #dermmatch

Saw Palmetto is a popular herbal remedy for hair loss, but is there any scientific evidence to support it? Before we dive into answering that question, what exactly...

| #dermmatch

Zinc is one of many incredibly important nutrients in our diet that help us to maintain healthy bodily functions. Zinc in particular is used to maintain correct immune...

| #dermmatch

From the dawn of time mankind we have looked high and low for a solution to hair loss, leading to some bizarre solutions that you should definitely never...

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