Who’s To Blame For Your Balding, Mum Or Dad?
The answer is both.
While baldness in men has been attributed to their mothers for quite some time now, baldness can, in fact, be inherited from both sides of the families.
For years, many people have believed the myth that the genes for male pattern baldness are passed down from a mother to her son on her x-chromosome. The conventional wisdom has been that men could simply take a look at the heads on their mum's side of the family and get a pretty good indication of how theirs might wind up looking.
But doctors say it's more accurate to blame both of your parents for thinning hair. Scientists still aren't sure exactly which genes determine whether we lose hair and where those genes come from, but they think both sides of the family contribute. Second, your mum has two x-chromosomes, which makes it difficult to look to any one family member for clues about your hair's future.
The Hair Growth Cycle
Hairs last about three to five years on our head, then fall out and get replaced with new hairs in a 3 to 4 month-long cycle. Each hair follicle is independent and goes through the growth cycle at different times, otherwise all your hair would fall out at once. Instead, you only shed a certain number of hairs a day – up to 80 hairs on a healthy head of hair.
When a hair falls out and isn't replaced — or gets replaced with a much thinner hair — then we start to go bald. The scientific term for common hair loss is androgenic alopecia. If you have it, you're not alone: roughly half of all adults will lose some hair by the time they're 40.
Male Pattern Baldness Care And Treatment
Approved treatment options by the FDA are limited to hair loss drugs along with low level laser therapy. One of the drugs is a topical application (minoxidil) and the other is taken orally (finasteride). Both are drug treatments which have reported some adverse side effects. The topical solution reportedly has a burning and stinging effect. In extremes cases, it causes redness on the portion of the scalp where it was applied. The oral medicine reportedly causes loss of interest in sex and impotence.
Unlike these medicines, laser treatments come with no serious side effects and is convenient to use. The lasers work by using safe, nourishing low level laser light ENERGY to stimulate the hair follicles at a cellular level. That must be worth considering when choosing a hair loss treatment for you.
When To Start The Treatment?
The sooner the treatment starts, the better. This is because once the hair follicles have died, they can no longer grow hair in spite of stimulation.
How to Get Thicker-Looking Hair Now
A simple way to instantly reverse the appearance of hair loss is to use DermMatch. DermMatch can be very helpful as part of the recovery since DermMatch instantly disguises hair loss. DermMatch is loaded with botanical ingredients that coat every existing hair shaft, making thin hairs stand up and spread out for spectacular fullness.
DermMatch Scalp Concealer is £34.95 and is available here